The Essentials 3-Module Package (non-certified)

Solid Foundation for Horse Owners and Trainers

PERFECT FOR HORSE OWNERS / TRAINERS who want a very good foundation training and application of equine bodywork to help the horses in their care, but are not interested in professional certification at this time.

This 3-Module Package provides a very in-depth study of basic equine massage theory and practices as well as a thorough study of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology. Also included in this package is a deep dive into understanding energetic space and empathetic resonance. Anyone who completes these three modules should be capable of providing a very good massage / bodywork session for personal horses and experience a beautiful exploration of energetic connection.

NOTE: This course does NOT qualify for certification as a professional practitioner.

If you are interested in working in this field, please refer to the Certified Practitioner Module -or- this course may qualify as a continuing education add-on to other certified courses that you have taken to help you to qualify to sit for the NBCAAM Equine Massage Board Exam or simply increase your education. To learn more about these options, please contact us at: [email protected].

If you take this 3-course bundle and later decide you would like to become a certified practitioner, let us know at [email protected] and we can assist you in upgrading. These courses will count toward your certified education.

Your Instructor

Kim Kizzier Sherrodd, LMT
Kim Kizzier Sherrodd, LMT


I read once that if you want to write a book, you should write the book you want to read. Taking this advice, I have spent the past ten years creating the course(s) I would want to take while keeping within rigorous standards. All this information and training was not available in any one program when I first imagined such a gratifying career and there were few coaches to guide me.

When I am performing bodywork on horses, there is SO much more going on with them than I could possibly put into categories, theories, or techniques. Although I always feel an awesome surge of validation when a horse awards me with what we call a “release” (yawning, stretching, licking and chewing), I somehow know that isn’t the full story. When I am deeply tuned in to the energy, I almost sense the horse will offer the “release” just to help me through the energetic moment; as if to encourage me along. So, I went deeper, learning from every avenue I could – especially the horse. In developing this program, my goal is to help students learn how to “feel”, gain empathy, and mostly to believe in themselves. I want to bring out that deep childlike depth and conviction which, to me feels like the same space that horses hold (and they are just waiting for us to catch up). This space has no rules or validation because it is nothing more than the present moment being shared between two souls. This is where magic happens.

The scientific approach to bodywork often felt cold and emotionally void to me; while the excited, “look she’s yawning” as the end answer to what is going on felt very shallow. I wanted to offer a deeply rich and intuitive experience while still teaching the scientific basics of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and pathology.

For a long time, I was afraid people would take what I have to offer as too “Woo-Woo”. Fortunately, my faith and an incredible business coach prevailed and The School of Applied Integrative Therapy ~ Equine essentially birthed itself. This program is not only nationally and Internationally accredited, but weaves itself around stories from my own truly incredible journey with learning, growing, and intimately experiencing bodywork, natural and ancient healing practices, horses, and spiritual and personal development. Students not only gain knowledge, but also inner growth, depth of connection, and hopefully, a renewed belief in themselves and the world of equine. I would love to share this knowledge and deep experience with anyone wishing for such a valued and rewarding career or addition to horsemanship.

Kim is a licensed human and nationally certified equine massage & bodywork therapist. She has trained and worked in the veterinary industry and has decades of experience with all animals and most especially horses. When not teaching or doing bodywork, she loves to spend her time in nature and continuing studies in the healing arts. Kim makes her home with her husband Lowell, and many animals (both domestic and wild) in Northwest Wyoming near Devils Tower National Monument. Kim is currently the co-chair for the National Board of Animal Acupressure and Massage. *****************************************************************************************************************

Course Curriculum

  First Section
Available in days
days after you enroll

Courses Included with Purchase

The UnBound Horse - Intro Course
Detect and Resolve Constriction In the Horse - Fun & Informative Basic Course in Equine Bodywork
Kim Kizzier Sherrodd, LMT
Empowered Empathy
The Art of Equine Bodywork
Kim Kizzier Sherrodd, LMT
Integrative Foundations
The FUN-damentals of Equine Bodywork and Applied Integrative Therapy
Kim Kizzier Sherrodd, LMT

Original Price: $3,075

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 72 hours and we will give you a full refund.
Can I upgrade from this course?
YES! If you decide you would like to pursue the Certified Practitioner Course during or after completing this 3-module course, please contact us for upgrade options at [email protected]
Does my state charge sales tax for online courses and products?
Some states charge sales tax for online course payments (each state charges their own %). Note that various countries also charge a VAT tax. Sales Tax will be charged on payments for the following states (updated 11/10/2022): Alabama Arkansas Arizona Connecticut District of Columbia (DC) Hawaii Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Minnesota Mississippi Nebraska New Jersey New Mexico North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Washington State West Virginia Wisconsin

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